As Denmark’s first real private equity fund, Industri Udvikling was founded in 1994 by a group of trade unions with the purpose of recovering their members’ pension losses incurred as a result of the financial crisis. However, during the following 25 years the market for equity funds would evolve significantly resulting in an increasingly diverse portfolio. Wanting to shed the outdated reputation as a quasi-public venture by and for the production industry, Industri Udvikling set out to align their image with the evolved focus for the time ahead. The solution turned out to be establishing a new brand altogether. Cementing their position as the only dedicated minority investor focused on the backbone of the danish economy, owner-led SME companies, Industri Udvikling was reborn as Dansk Ejerkapital along with a new and modern visual identity and a revitalized brand platform with the headline “Fælles værdier – mere værdi”.